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Pillar 3a Catch-up Payments: Everything About the New Possibility from 2025

From 2025, there's a much-desired innovation in Pillar 3a: The possibility to retroactively close contribution gaps from past years. But how exactly does catch-up payment work, and what conditions do you need to consider? In this article, we show you how to optimally use the new regulations for your retirement planning – and why thoughtful planning is now more important than ever.
Säule 3a Maximalbetrag 2025 Thumbnail

Pillar 3a maximum amount 2025

Find out everything you need to know about the increase in AHV/IV pensions from 2025, as the adjustments will also affect pillar 3a and BVG limits. This is the maximum amount you can pay into pillar 3a in 2025.

Pillar 3a on a staggered basis: How to save on capital gains tax

With Pillar 3a, you can not only save taxes in the year you pay in, but in most cases you can also do so with a staggered withdrawal. To do this, you need several 3a accounts or custody accounts, which you then draw on in different years. In this article, we will take a look at the specific taxes that apply to the graduated withdrawal of Pillar 3a funds.

Pillar 3a: When should I pay in?

When is the best time to make your Pillar 3a contributions? Invest the maximum amount at the beginning of the year or a twelfth every month? To explore this question, we take a closer look at three periods in this paper. And we also include a classic, interest-bearing pillar 3a account in the considerations.

Pillar 3a – how others do it

What was that again about pillar 3a? When can I deposit how much? Should I put everything in an account or would it be better to invest in securities? You'll learn all this and much more in this post based on 5 people in different life situations.