
Experience with Invest Easy from Swissquote

With Invest Easy, the online bank Swissquote launches a relatively simple investment and savings solution. In this post you'll learn all about it and I'll share my experience with Invest Easy from Swissquote.

Selma: performance and update

A stylish mobile app, a smarter investor profile and real estate in sustainable investment strategy. In this article, we will take a closer look at these new features of Selma. And, of course, we take a look at Selma's performance in the not-so-easy 2022 stock and bond year.

CSX Anlegen: Experiences with Credit Suisse’s All-in-One Banking

All banking in one app, including investing, can that work for a big bank? Credit Suisse offers exactly this with its all-in-one banking CSX. Read here to find out whether CSX can hold its own against the young, digital providers and what my experience has been with it.

Kaspar& Experience: Automatic investing when paying

Invest from CHF 1.00 by simply paying with your card? Kaspar& makes it possible! Thanks to low entry barriers, even beginners can use the round-up function to invest their money in stocks and bonds. And those who want more can set their own investment goals. Here you can read everything you need to know about the digital piggy bank Kaspar&.

findependent vs. Swissquote: The savings plan comparison

Are you thinking about setting up a monthly savings plan and don't know yet whether you should use the findependent investment app or whether you should execute the savings plan manually via Swissquote? Then you've come to the right place with this savings plan comparison. We look at different monthly investment amounts and compare costs after ten years.

6 months Inyova: Update fees and experiences

Impact investing provider Yova has revised its fee structure. You can read here what is newly refundable and what is no longer. I will also give you an insight into my real money account with Yova, which has been running for six months.

Robo-advisors and the tax return – it’s that simple

Both the investment itself and the completion of the tax return go almost by themselves with a robo-advisor. Using my deposits with Selma and Yova as an example, I will show you how easy it is to fill out your securities register yourself without a tax advisor.