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Have Your Tax Return Completed in Switzerland: Save Time Maximize Deductions!

Filing your tax return is one of the most unpleasant tasks of the year - but it doesn't have to be. When you have experts complete your tax return, you save not only time but also stress. You maximize your tax deductions and minimize the risk of making mistakes. In this article, you'll learn how it works, what benefits you gain from professional support, and how easy it is to submit your tax return stress-free.

Is a pension fund purchase worth it? Everything you need to know

A purchase into the pension fund can help you save taxes and increase your retirement capital. But is it really worth it for you, or are there better alternatives like Pillar 3a or a stock portfolio? In this article, we shed light on the advantages, risks, and tax effects of a purchase and show when it can be particularly beneficial. You'll also receive practical tips on how to avoid mistakes and make the right decision for your financial future.

Pension fund explained simply: everything you need to know

Do you want to know how the pension fund works and what to expect from the upcoming vote on the BVG reform? In the big pension fund FAQ you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about occupational benefits. Use this knowledge to make informed decisions and secure your financial future. Do you have any other questions? Then ask them in the comments.