You probably don't want to deal with finances during the vacations. But why it can be worth your while to look into the subject before your vacation, you can read in this article about foreign currency rates and processing surcharges.
I rarely use TWINT, but it has become very popular for sending small amounts to friends and colleagues. This article explains how you can use TWINT conveniently with the banking app neon, even though neon does not have its own TWINT app.
After the pilot phase, neon green is now officially launched. Here you can read what makes neon green different from neon, what neon green costs, and how neon green is climate positive from day one.
Banks and green, that hasn't really gone together until now. But something is happening there, too. Offset CO2 with neon green by paying with your neon green card. Find out how this works and how a Dutch fintech does it here.
Once upon a time there was a customer who wanted to open a "digital" account "easily and quickly". In the process, he encountered hurdles such as "real people," "suits," and structures of a major bank.