
GoMo+: Experience with the cheapest mobile provider in Switzerland

A mobile phone subscription for less than ten euros and unlimited everything in Switzerland? This is only possible with a gagging contract of at least five years! No, if you're willing to cut back on customer service, that's exactly what you'll get with GoMo. By the way, there is no minimum subscription period with GoMo and the cancellation period is 60 days. You can read everything else in my experience report.

Experience with the ticket app FAIRTIQ

Since the beginning of the year, I have been using the simplest ticket in Switzerland - FAIRTIQ. With this I made 61 trips and covered 1'135.36 km. According to the travel receipt from FAIRTIQ, I saved 211.88 kg of CO2 in the process compared to the car. It would take a tree 9 years and 7 months to absorb this amount of CO2. What FAIRTIQ is and why I'm a fan of the ticket app, you can read here.

Cheap data roaming tariffs with an eSIM

You don't have data roaming included in your cell phone subscription and the data packages offered by your Swiss provider are completely overpriced? Then you should look for an eSIM provider. Here you can read about my experiences with it and how much I saved with an eSIM during my last vacation.

Life insurance made simple, digital and transparent: SafeSide

Blended life insurance policies often cover not only your survivors, but also the insurance agent's bonus. With SafeSide's intuitive needs calculator, you independently determine the sum insured and the term of your pure life insurance. You can apply for insurance online without any complications or paperwork.