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Swissquote vs Saxo: Find the best Swiss online broker

Saxo Bank has massively reduced its fees at the beginning of 2024. So it's time to make a detailed comparison between Swissquote and Saxo with "Swissquote vs Saxo" to help you find the best Swiss online broker for you.

Free ETF savings plan Switzerland: neon invest

Discover the future of saving: Neon Invest presents the first free ETF savings plan in Switzerland! With regular payments into broadly diversified ETFs, you benefit from long-term growth potential without unnecessary fees. Find out how you can build up assets flexibly and easily with the neon savings plan.

Buy Saxo Bank ETF: Instructions and costs

Price is not the only argument for choosing a broker. In addition to security aspects, the user-friendliness of the trading platform is also crucial. In this guide I will show you step by step how to buy an ETF from Saxo.

findependent experience and test report 2024

Not only the management and custody costs, but also the minimum amounts decrease when investing money. The young fintech findependent allows you to invest broadly from CHF 500 using their investment app. The five available investment solutions are all implemented with low-cost and in some cases sustainable ETFs.

neon Invest: The ETF List

From now on you can also trade stocks and ETFs with the free account app neon. Here you can find the complete list of ETFs tradable with neon and more information about the ETFs.

One of the best Swiss funds – Partisan Strategy Fund

Today, we are talking about an active fund, but one that is mainly buy and hold, has a long-term focus, is transparent and cost-effective. It's about a fighter against negative interest rates, price losses, the threat of inflation, costs and taxes. In other words, it's about the Partisan Strategy Fund.

The Swiss share year 2022 in charts

In this article, we take a detailed look at the not-so-simple stock year 2022 and put it in historical perspective. The easiest way to do this is with graphics, which will not go amiss here.