
finpension: Experience with the most favorable pillar 3a provider

The lowest flat fee on the Swiss Pillar 3a market, the first crypto fund in Pillar 3a, a streamlined app and concentrated pension knowledge. finpension from Lucerne finally gets its own blog post. And of course, you'll hear about my own experience with finpension, where I invest part of my third pillar.

ZKB frankly pillar 3a app: fees and review 2024

Big bank and digital pillar 3a. Can this go well? Here you can find out how the pillar 3a app frankly from Zürcher Kantonalbank performs, what the radically simple all-in fee is all about and which investment products are available with frankly.

finpension Pillar 3a: New with funds from Swisscanto

In the 3a securities app finpension, you can now decide which fund house you prefer. In addition to the institutional funds of Credit Suisse, the institutional funds of Swisscanto are now also available for selection.

Pillar 3a – how others do it

What was that again about pillar 3a? When can I deposit how much? Should I put everything in an account or would it be better to invest in securities? You'll learn all this and much more in this post based on 5 people in different life situations.

The pillar 3a strategy comparison

What's in where and how much? Here you can find out what is actually in your third pillar, how the world regions are weighted and how your portfolio compares to other providers.