
Selma: performance and update

A stylish mobile app, a smarter investor profile and real estate in sustainable investment strategy. In this article, we will take a closer look at these new features of Selma. And, of course, we take a look at Selma's performance in the not-so-easy 2022 stock and bond year.

Robo-advisors and the tax return – it’s that simple

Both the investment itself and the completion of the tax return go almost by themselves with a robo-advisor. Using my deposits with Selma and Yova as an example, I will show you how easy it is to fill out your securities register yourself without a tax advisor.

The pillar 3a strategy comparison

What's in where and how much? Here you can find out what is actually in your third pillar, how the world regions are weighted and how your portfolio compares to other providers.