
That’s why I don’t believe in a pure dividend strategy

Here you can read the most common arguments of dividend supporters and what I think about them. You'll also find out what returns you'll miss out on if you don't reinvest dividends and how you can profit from compound interest in the easiest way possible.

Robo-advisors and the tax return – it’s that simple

Both the investment itself and the completion of the tax return go almost by themselves with a robo-advisor. Using my deposits with Selma and Yova as an example, I will show you how easy it is to fill out your securities register yourself without a tax advisor.

In which currency should I buy an ETF?

What is the difference between the fund currency and the trading currency of an ETF, and how does this affect my returns? Can I avoid the currency risk? We get to the bottom of these questions here.

Yield types examples – more than red and green

Want to compare your return on investment to YouTubers and bloggers? Then you should first know what type of return you are talking about in the first place. Here you will learn the differences between the various types of returns using simple examples.

One for all – you should know this ETF

One ETF is enough for wealth accumulation. Here I introduce you to the Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS ETF and show you what advantages it has over its competitors.